ARSLANTEPE. Scavi e Ricerche ad Arslantepe-Malatya - Excavations and Researches at Arslantepe-Malatya
Collana che pubblica gli esiti degli scavi della Missione Archeologica Italiana in Anatolia Orientale (MAIAO)
Piano di Collana / Planned volumes:
Vol. I: Arslantepe-Malatya. A long standing archaeological project and the millenarian history of the site (in preparation)
Vol. II: Arslantepe, Landscape - Settlement patterns in the Malatya Plain from prehistory to the Byzantine period. G.M. Di Nocera (ed.) (in preparation)
Vol. III: Arslantepe, Period VII - The development of a ceremonial/political centre in the first half of the fourth millennium BC (LC 3-4).F. Balossi Restelli, M. Frangipane (eds.) (in preparation)
Vol. IV: Arslantepe, Period VI A - A highly centralised society at the end of the fourth millennium BC (LC 5) (in preparation)
Vol. V: Arslantepe, Cretulae - An early centralised administrative system before writing. M. Frangipane (ed.) (published 2007, euro 80,00)
Vol. VI-1: Arslantepe, Period VI B1 - New nomadic components and far-reaching changes in the Malatya plain at the very beginning of the 3rd millennium BC (in preparation)
Vol. VI-2: Arslantepe, Period VI B2 - An Early Bronze I rural village in the post-Uruk tradition. M. Frangipane, P. Piccione (eds.) (in preparation)
Vol. VII: Arslantepe, Period VI C and VI 0The development of new provincial cultures in the Malatya region in the Early Bronze II and III (in preparation)
Vol. VIII: Die Siedlung der Mittelbronzezeit von Arslantepe. Eine Zentralsiedlung von Beginn des zweiten Jahrtausends v. Chr, in der Ebene von Malatya (Turkei) G. M. Di Nocera (published 1998, euro 50,00)
Vol. IX: Arslantepe, Late Bronze Age - Hittite influence and local traditions in an eastern Anatolian community - F. Manuelli (published 2013, euro 96,00)
Vol X. Arslantepe, Archaeometry - Chemical characterization of pottery and metals (in preparation)