Latin Inscriptions in Verse - MARÍA LIMÓN BELÉN (English edit.)


  • Prezzo: € 15.00
    Aggiungi Carrello

    Descrizione: 14x20, 72 pp. con a coll.

    English translation by Paul Turner

    In the streets and corners of Rome, many Latin inscriptions silently contemplate us as millennial witnesses of the passing of the years. These texts on stone were written in Latin by the ancient Romans and once formed part of the urban landscape of their cities, being a characteristic element of an epigraphic habit that they intensely developed. Among all of them, a small group stands out for its particular characteristics. These are inscriptions in verse, small poems that were composed to be engraved on the hard stone and that specially commemorated moments of daily life, standing out like small diamonds among the sea of inscriptions that flooded the streets.
    This book follows their trail to see what vision the Romans themselves had of them and how they lived with this particular phenomenon, who composed them and why, where they were two thousand years ago and where we can find them today. Follow their footprints to open a small window into the lives of faceless people to whom a small piece of stone has given immortal fame, transporting us to a reality that seems very close to us, through the feelings they wanted to express with such emotional inscriptions. Years go by, times change, but the emotions that are part of human life are and will always be the same.